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- Subject is exactly "Theory of Knowledge"
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How to formulate a good Knowledge Question?
Презентация за това как да формулираме правилно добър познавателен въпрос
Ways of knowing
Ways of Knowing are incorporated into the methodologies of the various Areas of Knowledge.
Ways of Knowing should not be considered in isolation. They interconnect inextricably and are interwoven in elaborate ways to generate Personal and Shared…
Ways of Knowing should not be considered in isolation. They interconnect inextricably and are interwoven in elaborate ways to generate Personal and Shared…
Tags: TOK, ways of knowing
Inductive VS Deductive Reasoning by Shmoop
There are two different ways to use reasoning: deductive and inductive. Deductive reasoning starts with a general theory, statement, or hypothesis and then works its way down to a conclusion based on evidence. Inductive reasoning starts with a small…
Monty Python Deductive Reasoning
Известната комедийна група Monty Python представя по неповторим начин почти всички възможни грешки, които могат да се получат при едно дедуктивно умозаключение. Клипът е част от филма "Monty Python and the Holly Grail" и служи за повдигане на…
The Enlightenment - Part 2
Просвещението е духовно движение, обхващащо периода от края на XVII до началото на XIX век (според някои, като официална дата на започване на Просвещението може да се посочи 1715 г. — годината, в която Луи XIV умира). Просвещението продължава да има…
Tags: enlightenment
The Enlightenment - Part 1
Просвещението е духовно движение, обхващащо периода от края на XVII до началото на XIX век (според някои, като официална дата на започване на Просвещението може да се посочи 1715 г. — годината, в която Луи XIV умира). Просвещението продължава да има…
Tags: enlightenmen
Julian Beever's Official Website
Julian Beever is known all over the world for his pavement drawings, more especially his 3D illusions, drawn in a special distortion to create an impression of 3D when seen from one particular viewpoint.
In order to appear really 3 dimensional…
In order to appear really 3 dimensional…
IBTOK forum
Many topics to choose in this IBTOK forum. Useful for the presentation and the essay.
Tags: Theory of Knowledge, TOK
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
The Guide offers various links to philosophy publications, teacher’s support materials, and bibiliographies.
Tags: Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge, TOK
Forum: a resource for Theory of Knowledge teachers
The Forum is a peer-reviewed publication aiming to offer original, thoughtful articles promoting Theory of Knowledge (TOK) teaching, in a fashion that is immediately useful to teachers.
Tags: forum, Theory of Knowledge, TOK
Pawel Kuczynski Collection
Pawel Kuczynski graduated Fine Arts Academy in Poznan has been rewarded with more than 100 prizes and distinctions creating thought-provoking illustrations that comment on social, economic, and political issues through satire.
Tags: comment, economic, illustrations, issues, Political, satire, social, thought-provoking, through
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Emerging MegaRegions in the Unites States. Megaregions are characterized by a socio-spatial expansion of population, commerce, and resources across a…