Browse Items (88 total)
- Type is exactly "статия"
Influence of extreme weather disasters on global crop production
Holocene shifts in the assembly of plant and animal communities implicate human impacts
The best science images of 2015
Tags: 2015, best images, science
Grassland biodiversity bounces back from long-term nitrogen addition
Rarity in mass extinctions and the future of ecosystems
Tags: Ecosystems, mass extinctions
Thermal biases and vulnerability to warming in the world’s marine fauna
Tags: marine fauna, Thermal, Vulnerability
Soil biodiversity and human health
Tags: Human health, pathogens, Soil biodiversity
Agricultural policy: Govern our soils
Tags: Soils
Global climate agreement: After the talks
Tags: Climate change, Paris
The effects of life history and sexual selection on male and female plumage colouration
North Pacific deglacial hypoxic events linked to abrupt ocean warming
Tags: North Pacific, ocean warming.
Sustainability: Transfer project cannot meet China's water needs
Tags: China, Sustainability, Water needs
Plate tectonics on the Earth triggered by plume-induced subduction initiation
Tags: Earth, Plate tectonics, subduction
Plate tectonics on the Earth triggered by plume-induced subduction initiation
Tags: Earth, Plate tectonics, subduction
Earth science: Deadly combination
Tags: Chicxulub meteorite impact, Earth, Eruptions
Soil biodiversity and soil community composition determine ecosystem multifunctionality
Tags: Soil
Human geography and archaeology
Invasion, Competition, and Biodiversity Loss in Urban Ecosystems
A Rosetta Stone for Nature’s Benefits to People
A Global System for Monitoring Ecosystem Service Change
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Emerging MegaRegions in the Unites States. Megaregions are characterized by a socio-spatial expansion of population, commerce, and resources across a…