Browse Items (42 total)
- Collection: History
The Siege of Rochester
The Navy and the Napoleonic Wars
Tags: battle, Battle of Waterloo, England, France, Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte, navy, Rochefort, war, Waterloo
Liberty and the Common Law
Агресия или безразличие: границите на национализма по време на Балканските войни, 1912-1913 г.
Science and Superstition: A Landmark Witch Trial
Peter the Great's Special Book
World War I
Tags: history, war, World War I
The Tragedy of the Commons
Who Started World War I: Crash Course World History 210
Tags: advanced placemen, America, AP, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Central Powers, Europe, Exam, France, Franz Ferdinand, Germany, history, homework help, militarism, miltary buildup, Paris Conference, Russia, Serbia, Soviet Union, study, Treaty, ultimatum, United States, Versailles, war, WHAP, World, World War (Film Subject), World War I, WWI
The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War?: Crash Course World History #15
Tags: AP, armies, crash course, crashcourse, crusade, Crusader, Damascus, England, France, Gregory, history, Holy Land, holy war, homework help, horses, II, Italy, Jerusalem, John Green, Lionheart, Peter the Hermit, Philip, Pope, Richard, Saladin, Saracens, Seljuk, Spain, Turks, Urban, Venice, vlogbrother, Walter Scott, world history
The Plague (4 min. video)
Tags: Middle Ages, The black death, The plague
Medieval Europe
Tags: Feodal system, Feodalism, history, Knights, Medieval History
Egypt gives go ahead to look behind King Tutankhamun’s tomb to try and find grave of woman who may have been his mother
History of World War I: 100 Years Ago, May 1915: Italy Goes to War – Why?
Tags: Elite, Italy, World war 1
First step on the road to Waterloo
Aleksander Stamboliski and the Bulgarian Contract
A Society Built On Slavery
Tags: Britons, history, History today, slavery
The Fall of Robespierre
The Rise of the Sons of Mars
Tags: Greek, History today, Italy, Mars, Roman Empire, Sons of Mars, Syracuse
The Road to Runnymede
All that his great men could expect from him was dishonour … He forbade his chief men…
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Uwekind Harvard Style Referencing Guide
Като ученици в International School Uwekind вие знаете, че голяма част от учебния процес е базиран на проучвания. Затова е важно при създаването на…